Decan Write 2024 – Index Post

A public domain image of an old alchemical astrological wheel with mystical animals breathing fire and many arcane symbols.
The 36 decans are one way to dive deeper into the symbols and correlations of the zodiac.

Welcome to the Mercury Muse Decan Write!

What is a Decan?

Decans are ten-degree sub-divisions of the 12 zodiac signs. Since each sign takes 30 degrees of the 360 degree circle that is the astrological year, there are 36 (3 times 12) decans in the year, each lasting roughly 10 days.

Many mages, witches, astrologers, tarot readers, and other folks oriented toward marking the time in magical, mystical, creative ways have explored the decans. I first consciously learned about decans through T. Susan Chang’s tarot-focused Decan Walk on her blog in 2019-2020 that became her book, 36 Secrets: A Decanic Journey Through the Minor Arcana of the Tarot.

A Decan Write is simply a year long Decan Walk centered around writing or journaling through the decans.

Here at Mercury Muse, Decan Writes are a joyful commitment to a year of exploration: thirty-six opportunities to interact with planets, signs, seasons, your inner landscape, creativity, and more.

As the year progresses, I will add links here to my own decan writes. Please feel free to join this Decan Write, whether you are joining now or partway through the year. Join in, follow some or all of my prompts, write about something totally different, write one decan or all 36. In the end, a Decan Write is just another way to get regular writing practice in while playing with the symbolic language of astrology. The magick that comes from participating in a Decan Write is the magick you put into writing the decans.

2024 Decans

Aries I: March 19-March29:
Aries II: March 30-April 9:
Aries III: April 10-19:

Taurus I: April 20-29:
Taurus II: April 30-May 9:
Taurus III: May 10-19:

Gemini I: May 20-29:
Gemini II: May 30-June 9:
Gemini III: June 10-20:

Cancer I:June 21-30:
Cancer II: July 1-10:
Cancer III: July 11-21:

Leo I: July 22-31:
Leo II: August 1-11:
Leo III: August 12-