About Mercury Muse

Hi! I’m Maxfield Sparrow and I’m the founder of Mercury Muse.

My History as an astrologer:
* Astrology and Me

You can read about my history as an astrologer (now written and posted) and as a writer and teacher in this paragraph as soon as I come back to edit and link them in. I’m writing them right now so you can get a better feel for who I am in this Mercury Muse space. But if you follow the link above for now, you can see some other things about me, including my writing and activism work in autism rights and the celebration of neurodiversity.

Various “natal charts” for Mercury Muse

Mercury Muse, as an idea, has been brewing for a long time. I consider Mercury Muse’s birthdate to be the moment I first hit “publish” on this web site: March 20, 2022, in Hendersonville, North Carolina, at 6:05pm. View Mercury Muse’s chart

The next major event in the “life” of Mercury Muse is the first astro-writing ritual. That is 9:00 am in Redwood City, California. View the chart of the first New Moon Monday